Case study

The Future is Digital: Electronic Document Management at the National Social Security Fund in Congo

The National Social Security Fund (CNSS) is a public establishment of a social nature with legal personality and financial autonomy, created by Law No. 004 of 25 February 1986 establishing the social security code of Congo. It is responsible for managing the social security system for the benefit of workers covered by the labour code in the Republic of Congo. This establishment includes various services such as family benefits, work accidents, occupational illnesses and old age disability and death pensions.

As part of the reform of the information system, the CNSS is engaged in the process of improving the quality of the service provided to its users through greater efficiency and reliability in the processing of files but also a greater speed in the execution of operations. The results expected from this reform are numerous, namely:

  • Improvement of current operation, performance and productivity

  • Simplification, optimization and digitalisation of its processes

  • Facilitating access to information and documents

  • Capture and security of documentary heritage

  • Facilitation of collaborative work and document sharing

  • Compliance with legal and regulatory obligations for the conservation and return of documents

In November 2022, the CNSS asked Akieni to support the digitalization of its services. Akieni proceeded to the supply and integration of an electronic document management (EDM) solution by providing a transfer of technical skills through training, post-delivery assistance, a continuous maintenance service and the dematerialization of documentary processes.

Delivered in May 2023, the EDM was successfully implemented thanks to the agile work of the Akieni and CNSS teams.